LOOK: UAAP 80 Cheerdance tiff in photos

An animated performer from the Adamson University Pep Squad. Adamson bagged their first UAAP Cheerdance Competition crown Saturday at the SM Mall of Asia Arena in Pasay. | philstar.com/Efigenio Toledo IV

MANILA, Philippines — Eight squads battle it out in the 2017 UAAP Cheerdance Competition at the Mall of Asia Arena in Pasay Saturday.

Adamson University ran away as the biggest winner of the day, winning gold in the main division and silver in group stunts.

The UST Salinggawi Dance Troupe bagged their second silver in three years while the UE Pep Squad ended a 15-year medal drought, finishing third.

Check out some snaps by Philstar.com's lensman Efigenio Toledo IV.

2017 UAAP Cheerdance Competition hosts Nikko Ramos, Gretchen Ho and Angelique Manto

The FEU Cheering Squad wins the Group Stunts competition

University of the East lands a spot in the podium after 15 years.

The University of Santo Tomas Salinggawi Dance Troupe bagged their sixth bridesmaid finish

The Adamson University Pep Squad took home their historic first UAAP CDC crown

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