Int'l volley coaches seminar up

MANILA, Philippines - International volleyball instructors Zohair Ammar and Bramislav Moro are arriving on Monday to conduct an international coaching seminar at the Ritz Tower de Leyte in Tacloban.

Thirty-one Filipinos and four foreign coaches from Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, India and Brunei are attending the 12-day coaching seminar under the aegis of International Volleyball Federation in partnership with the Philippine Volleyball Federation.

Ammar, from Egypt, is FIVB level III instructor and Moro, from Serbia, is a level I instructor.

The foreign coaches are Hock Leong Chew (Malaysia), Somayth Ostadedrahim (UAE), Vikas Tomar (India), and Christina Marie Gonzales (Brunei).

Japanese coach Haruya Ino couldn’t make it to the Philippines because of conflict of schedule.

“He’s very much willing to attend the coaching seminar if not for the conflict of schedule,” said Karl Chan, PVF vice president and chairman of the coaches commission.

The seminar aims to improve the knowledge and competence of coaches and teachers and to establish a unified system for training coaches in all zones.

“This once-in-a-lifetime seminar is a welcome news because our coaches will have the opportunity to get pointers and techniques from the two foreign coaches sent here by FIVB,” said secretary general Vangie de Jesus.

The Philippine Sports Commission has allocated P5 million budget for volleyball this year.

De Jesus likewise said the association is focusing on its grassroots program to tap and discover fresh talents for international competitions.

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