PSC to suspend erring karatekas

Manila, Philippines - The members of the Philippine karatedo team who boycotted the ongoing Philippine National Games in Bacolod City are facing severe sanctions from the Philippine Sports Commission.

Chairman Richie Garcia of the PSC yesterday said the five karatekas in question will soon lose their allowances from the PSC if they fail to justify their actions.

Garcia also said the athletes will also be evicted from their training and billeting quarters under the supervision of the PSC.

“All their allowances will be cancelled and they will be asked to vacate (their quarters). They knew the consequences of their act so maybe they’re trying to test us,” said PSC chairman Richie Garcia.

The PSC chief said coaches who were part of the boycott will also be held accountable.

“They will also be removed from the national pool,” Garcia said, referring to karatekas Sharif Afif, Jan Paul Morales, Raymund Mejico, Renato Manalo and Marna Pabillore.

Pabillore is a two-time SEA Games gold medalist.

The Philippine Karatedo Federation is facing a bitter leadership dispute between athletics chief Go Teng Kok and Philippine Olympic Committee’s Jose Romasanta, who reportedly stepped down as acting PKF president with Enrico Vasquez being elected to the post in a POC-mandated elections Wednesday.

Those who boycotted the PNG Games in Bacolod are sympathetic to Go.

Garcia said the PSC spent for the travel expenses of the karatekas who said they refused to compete after learning that Raymund Lee and David Lay, who are from the other group, are officiating the matches.

“It was not their intention to boycott the games because they were already there. But when they learned about who will officiate the games, they decided not to compete. How can they expect fair officiating there?” said Go.

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