Posadas, Taylo cop youth bowl singles golds

MANILA, Philippines - Lara Posadas and Renz Taylo outlasted their rivals in the opening singles event to capture the first gold medals of the 17th Philippine Bowling Congress (PBC) National Youth Tenpin Bowling Championships at Bowling Inn in Taft Avenue.

Posadas, a mainstay of the national youth pool, and representing PBAP, totaled 1193 in six games to take the gold in the Girls’ division. TBAM’s Alexis Sy, another national youth pool member, took the silver with 1119; while Team Prima’s Liza Vicente (1112) captured the bronze.

 Taylo took advantage of his rivals’ so-so finish in the final game to post a comfortable winning margin with a 1323 score, on an average of 220. Taylo zoomed past national youth pool members Ederick Florencio and newly-crowned PBC Youth Annual champion Kenneth Chua, both representing TBAM, for the first gold in the tournament. Florencio (1207) and Chua (1206), settled for the silver and bronze, respectively.

TBAM now leads the race for the over-all championship title with nine points, followed by PBAP with six points. 

The Paeng Nepomuceno Youth Perpetual Cup, will be awarded to the over-all all team champion. Competition shifts to high gear in the Doubles Event in the four day tournament organized by the Philippine Bowling Congress Youth Committee.

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