Swedes hate Israelis, won't watch Davis Cup tie

Israel’s Davis Cup team will play Sweden in a nearly empty arena in Malmo this weekend because the town fathers don’t like Israelis. Simple as that. They dared both the national and international tennis federations to do something about it.

“Of course we regret the situation, even for us,” Swedish Tennis Federation chief Stefan Dahlbo said in a telephone interview Tuesday.

If you thought the next thing he was going to say was how competitors on both sides are cheated when the playing field isn’t level, you haven’t been paying attention to the international sports scene.

“We have a match at home, and will not have the support we hoped for. But there will be journalists and officials in the hall, and at least,” he added cheerfully, “it will be shown on television.”

ITF boss Francesco Ricci Bitti sounded similarly crushed.

“Of course, it’s regrettable there will be no people there. But apart from that,” he said, “both teams will be allowed to play. The winner will advance to the second round.

“Davis Cup is like a watch,” Ricci Bitti added. “We have to keep everything, each round, moving forward together.”

If that sounds familiar, it should.

Two weeks ago, United Arab Emirates officials denied an entry visa at the last minute to block Israeli Shahar Peer from playing in the Dubai Tennis Classic. Citing “events witnessed in the region” – the three-week war in January between Israel and Islamic militants in Gaza – they, too, dared the people who run women’s tennis to do something about it.

Peer’s fellow players, tournament sponsors and stakeholders in the Women’s Tennis Association all agreed it was “outrageous,” a violation of everything sport stands for. Then they played the tournament anyway, and everyone went home with a hefty check – except the Tennis Channel, which canceled plans to televise the tournament back to the United States in protest.

Not long after leaving town, the WTA handed their hosts a bill for another $300,000 – the largest fine ever levied by the association, but chump change to the oil sheiks who bankroll the event. Not surprisingly, the fine has already been appealed.

Some saw a victory of sorts the following week, when Israeli doubles player Andy Ram was allowed to play in an ATP men’s event in Dubai and US star Andy Roddick, the defending champion, pulled out in protest. If so, it was short-lived.

Sweden’s capitulation in what is best described as a political stuntn and some would suggest collaboration isn’t too strong a word – only emboldens the next city or state with a sports team and a grudge determined to do the same. (AP)

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