Draw completes So's title romp

GM Wesley So added the Corus chess tournament crown to his growing list of victories here and abroad as he topped the tough Category 11 tournament at the De Moriaan Community Center in Wijk Aan Zee, Netherlands Sunday.

Needing a draw to clinch the title, So did just that, holding second seed GM David Howell of England to a standoff to capture the overall crown with a 13-round total of 9.5 points.

That was a full point ahead of GM Tiger Persson of Sweden, who trounced IM Manuel Bosboom and GM-elect Anish Giri, who halved the point with WGM Dronavaili Harika of India.

Howell and GM Abhijit Gupta of India shared fourth place with 7.5 points.

GM Frank Holzke of Germany, who dealt So’s lone setback in the eighth round, settled for sixth with 6.5 points.

“I am very happy with this win,” said the 15-year-old So, who also won the Dubai Open last year. “I dedicate this victory to those who continue to support me.”

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