Blu Boys shut out Indons

The Philippine Blu Boys blanked their Indonesian archrivals, 4-0, in the opening day of men’s and women’s softball tournament at the Rosario Sports Arena in Pasig hit by heavy downpour.

The Blu Boys, raring to exact revenge on their SEAG tormentors, blasted to Indonesian pitchers for six hits while Marciano Sta Maria, Sonny Boy Acuna and Rogelio Rojas did splendid job on the mounds by scattering four Indon hits.

The match between the Blu Girls and the Indonesians in the women’s side was postponed due to heavy rains in the afternoon.

A brief opening rite ushered in the tournament with Don Porter, president of the International Softball Federation, Francisco Elizalde, Philippine representative to International Olympic Committee, Pasig Mayor Vicente Eusebio and ASA-Phil Harry Angping gracing the occasion. — Tristan Taboac

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