Coca-Cola offers Mamaril P7.5-M deal

As if to say there’s no way the other team can get Billy Mamaril, Coca-Cola gave the 6-6 player a contract-extension deal worth around P7.5 million spread over two and a half years.

One of the most sought-after players in the PBA today, Mamaril is set to sign his new contract anytime this week although he has an existing pact that won’t expire until Dec. 31.

FedEx was among the teams which showed keen interest in acquiring the services of the former Shell behemoth. The Express even offered Marc Pingris and Wesley Gonzales in exchange for Mamaril but the Tigers nixed the deal.

Two other former Shell players in Chris Calaguio and Ronald Tubid have already been guaranteed contract-renewal deals with San Miguel Beer and FedEx, respectively.

Calaguio is to get P2.4 million in one year and Tubid around P6.5 million in two and a half years.

The teams have started negotiating with their veteran free agents, having already come to terms with the first round picks in the recent rookie draft.

FedEx has signed up top pick Anthony Washington, No. 5 pick Mark Cardona and No. 6 pick Niño Canaleta.

Sta. Lucia has agreed on an P8.5-million three-year deal with No. 2 pick Alex Cabagnot.

Though still tied up with his mother school San Sebastian College in the NCAA, No. 9 pick Leo Najorda has been assured of a P3-million two-year pact with Red Bull.

No. 3 pick Dennis Miranda has been assured of a three-year contract at Coca-Cola, eighth pick Paolo Hubalde has been guaranteed also of a three-year pact with San Miguel Beer while Mike Holper is to get a two-year deal with Barangay Ginebra.

Miranda, Hubalde and Holper have been assured of playing contracts apparently with limited financial package due to salary cap constraints of their respective teams.

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