They came to where the flavor is

Princess Erica Esguerra, Christina delos Santos, Vincent Tempongko, Renan Ponce Morales and John Marcelo.

They were among those who underwent the toughest mental challenges and tedious physical tests — from classroom training, treasure hunting, team building, puzzle-solving and hands-on karting. They were mortals who bled and perspired, and as they answered the challenges, they rose to the ranks of demigods, and from hereon, many will look high on them.

From 250,000 hopefuls and the elite 120 chosen in the nationwide selection, they will represent the Philippines in the Marlboro Red Racing School in Italy.

Simply said, they are the best among the best.

"They did well. They showed great skills and talents. I’m sure they are a great RP team," said Philip Morris Philippines Manufacturing Inc. managing director Chris Nelson.

During the party at the Le Pavilion, none of the five finalists knew they were taking the next step — a date with destiny.

"I never really thought I’ll be selected. I just went through it all and enjoyed everything. It was really lots of fun. We will be aiming to surpass what they achieve last year in Italy," said the 32-year-old Marcelo, a former national jetski champion. He is the younger brother of 1992 Indianapolis 500 Formula Kart champion Jovy.

Likewise was the reaction of Esguerra and Morales.

"Of the 120 finalists, I wasn’t expecting that I’d get the slot in the team because all of them were very competitive, aggressive and were so good! After the series of tests and lots of fun together, everyone in our batch was emailing each other already. Everyone is so excited to see each other during the send-off party and already making plans for a get-together party. As the announcement was nearing, I am getting this mixed emotions already — happy, nervous, excited, name it — I felt it!," said 25- year-old Esguerra.

"Maybe I was selected because I give importance to the whole team than to my personal quest. Although, I really participate to win but it was not the most important. It’s camaraderie and attitude," said Morales of San Antonio, Nueva Ecija.

"I can see in Renan the attitude and patience. I’m sure he can be a good asset to the team," said Marlboro brand manager Jasper Evangelista.

A total of 250,000 applicants responded to the MRRS promo through selected key accounts and roving booths throughout the country from Aug. 23 to Oct 3. The list was trimmed to a slim 120, and then the fantastic five.

The list could have been longer, if not for some individuals who were afraid to dream. But skeptics can easily be believers, like the case of Vince Tempongko and his friends.

"My friends took the Marlboro Red Racing School for granted when I first filled up the application form. They didn’t even fill it up. But I said to one of my friends whom I saw in the bar where I filled the form up, ‘Baka manalo.’ True enough, I did win," said the systems manager for Hewlett Packard Philippines adding that "after winning, my friends asked me how they can apply and what it takes to win. I guess, they now believe that the Marlboro Red Racing School is for real."

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