Asian ladies team golf up at John Hay tomorrow

A complete golf set and P80,000 worth of BAYO gift certificates are up for grabs as hole-in-one prizes as the inaugural Camp John Hay-Asian Ladies Team Championships (ALTC) fires off tomorrow with a field of 150 players representing various golf clubs in the country vying for top honors.

Parbusters from the host club, NGAP, Manila Southwoods, Forest Hills, Riviera, Valley Golf, BLOGA, Baguio Country Club, Camp Aguinaldo, Phil. Navy, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Thailand and Taiwan will compete in the three-day golf event co-presented by Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT) and BAYO and supported by Wilson Sports.

"We would like to welcome all the players of the ALTC. We wish them all the best," said Camp John Hay Golf Club chairman Robert John Sobrepeña.

Sobrepeña also said giveaways, surprise raffle prizes and beautiful trophies await all the winners.

He will lead the traditional ceremonial tee-off along with the PLDT executives Rey Espinosa and Ito Ramirez, BAYO president Ferdinand Agustin, Wilson general manager Jun Jun Plana, new CJH club manager Bong Vilches.

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