POC holds Olympism Awards today

Two important sports events — the presentation of Olympism Awards winners and the launching of the book "The Olympic Movement in the Philippines" — will be held at 6:30 tonight at the Coconut Palace, CCP Complex.

National Security Adviser and former boxing association president Roilo Golez will be guest of honor and main speaker during the occasion, which forms part of the 109th anniversary celebration of the Olympic Movement worldwide.

International Olympic Committee representative to the Philippines Francisco Elizalde, Philippine Olympic Committee officials led by chairman Robert Aventajado and president Celso Dayrit, former international federation presidents Gonzalo "Lito" Puyat II (FIBA) and Florencio Campomanes (FIDE) and leaders of various national sports associations have also been invited.

Dayrit authored the book which will be launched tonight. The first ever written on the Olympic Movement here, the book also touches on important, interesting subject matters like the country’s first sports officials and the many Filipino sports heroes and heroines, including those who shone in the Far Eastern Olympics.

There are 12 categories in the Olympism Awards like sports science and medicine, sports journalism, sports photography, broadcasting, sports leadership, sports supporter, sports development and coaching.

The winners will be known tonight, according to Olympism Awards chair Ernesto Fajardo, who is also president of the Billiards and Snookers Congress of the Philippines.

Trade Secretary Mar Roxas, former Manila Mayor Mel Lopez Jr., former Olympian Rafael Hechanova and Ma. Yolanda Ong are among the members of the board of judges.

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