Deadline for Olympism awards set

Nomination deadline for the prestigious Olympism Awards of the Philippine Olympic Committee has been set June 3.

According to POC Awards committee chairman Ernesto Fajardo, nomination forms are now available at the POC offices at Rm 357 PICC and at the ground floor of the PSC Administration Bldg., Rizal Memorial Sports Complex.

The POC has revived the Olympism Awards to honor individuals who have exhibited the values of Olympism and organizations or companies that have generously contributed to the development and promotion of sports in the country.

The awarding ceremony will be held on June 23 as one of the highlights of the Olympic Day celebration here.

The various categories for the Olympism Awards are Sports Education, Sports Science and Medicine, Sports & Culture, Sports Photography, Sports Broadcasting (television/radio), Sports Journalism (editors/writers/columnists) Sports Leadership (NSA leaders), Sports Administration (NSAs), Sports Tactician (coaches/trainers), Sports Officiating (referees), Sports Development (organizations/companies) and Sports Support (organizations/companies/individuals).

The POC launched the program in 1988, citing individuals who had helped promote the ideals of Olympism in their respective fields.

Among the honorees then were basketball coach Virgilio "Baby" Dalupan and sportswriters Antonio Siddayao and Enrique Gonzales.

The members of the POC Awards Committee are Cynthia Carrion, Claudio Altura, Romeo Ribano, Benjamin Ramos Jr. and Ric Camaligan.

Four sub-committees — search, screening, judges and awards night — have been created to support the project. Making up these sub-bodies are Nestor Ilagan, Gus Villanueva and Red Dumuk for search, Camaligan, Ribano and Lei Fernandez for screening Ramos, for judges and Ms. Carrion for awards.

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