ABC fund to finance SEABA bash

Basketball Association of the Philippines president Freddie Jalasco yesterday came up with a possible solution to the funding woes that might prevent the country from hosting the 5th Southeast Asian Basketball Association men’s championship next month.

Jalasco said that since the country is being eyed as host of the Asian Basketball Confederation All-Star game this year, the BAP can avail itself of a cash advance from the ABC to be used to fund the SEABA tournament last held in 1999 and the Filipinos emerging champions at the Ninoy Aquino Stadium.

Jalasco said at least P4 million is needed to host the SEABA and the lack of funds forced him to declare two weeks ago that he is against the country’s hosting of the event where the top two teams will advance to the ABC men’s championship scheduled this October with China as the most likely venue.

"The ABC All-Stars which we hosted last year was a huge success that’s why the ABC wants the Philippines to host it for the second straight year," said Jalasco in yesterday’s PSA forum at the Holiday Inn where he was joined by BAP consultant Moying Martelino.

Martelino explained that it does not mean that the SEABA will have to wait after the ABC All-Stars because "we can use the cash advance from the ABC to fund the SEABA. Then the money we will generate from the ABC All- Stars will be used to pay back the ABC. I’m sure the ABC All-Stars here will once again be a huge success."

Jalasco said he is trying to get in touch with Malaysia’s Yeoh Choo Hock, secretary general of both the ABC and SEABA for him to present his idea and probably block the bid of the other BAP faction headed by Quintellano "Tiny" Literal to host the SEABA next month through the help of private sponsors.

Jalasco, who is also SEABA president, said there is practically no chance for Literal’s group to host the SEABA. "How can they host it? Under what capacity and authority since I am the BAP president recognized by the Philippine Olympic Committee? I will stop them from doing this also as president of the SEABA."

Martelino, an old hand in Philippine basketball, said it now all depends on Jalasco’s talks with the ABC secretary-general because "if the ABC stays that we will host the All-Stars, then the SEABA problem is solved. We are very sure that we can generate the funds to repay the ABC."

The ABC All-Stars last year at the Ultra proved to be a huge success as the All-Star team from the Philippine basketball association played thru to form to deal the visiting All-Stars a crushing defeat. The ABC also believed that only the Philippines can generate enough exposure for the All-Star game.

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