

The turning point - SPORTING CHANCE by Joaquin M. Henson

After a woeful 1-3 start in the Philippine Basketball Association (PBA) Governors Cup this season, San Miguel Beer coach Joseph Uichico and consultant Ron Jacobs got worried.

Uichico said San Miguel’s third straight loss, a heartbreaking 98-92 overtime setback to Red Bull in Cebu last Oct. 21, set off an alarm.

"The players were down," recalled Uichico. "We were skidding. Coach Ron and I were afraid the guys would start finger-pointing, blaming this guy for not rebounding and that guy for not scoring and so on. We were on the verge of breaking up. So after the game, coach Ron made sure only the players were on the team bus. He talked to the guys and told them it didn’t look like we’d make it to the top four but even without a twice-to-beat advantage, we’d still qualify for the semis – he was that confident. He challenged the guys to do it the hard way – that was our motivation. He was convinced that if we stuck together, we’d still win the championship. Then, he took us all to a bar and we drank all night."

Jacobs speech turned out to be the turning point of the conference for San Miguel.

The Beermen picked up the pieces and went on to eliminate Tanduay in the quarters despite a twice-to-beat handicap. Then, San Miguel disposed of Red Bull in the semis. Purefoods was the last hurdle and the Beermen took care of the Tender Juicy Hot Dogs in the Finals to capture the crown. It was San Miguel’s sixth Finals appearance in the last eight conferences and Uichico’s fourth crown.

Although Uichico wasn’t voted Coach of the Year despite winning two titles last season, he said he understood why. "I guess I wasn’t picked because of coach Ron – you know, I rely on him a lot and I owe everything I know to him," admitted Uichico. "So that’s okay. Besides, coach Perry (Ronquillo) did a great job at Shell – he did something others couldn’t do. But this year, I think I proved myself. First, that winning twice last year wasn’t a fluke. Sure, coach Ron is still there but somehow, I must be doing something right. How will I feel if I don’t get picked Coach of the Year again? I don’t know. I’d like to think I’ve done enough to deserve it but if I don’t make it again, my consolation is winning two more titles."

In the Finals clincher last Wednesday, Uichico said San Miguel had control of the game from the start.

"It’s not that I was confident before the game – I’m always nervous before any game," said Uichico. "You never know what will happen. You make some adjustments here and there. You prepare hard. But in the end, it’s all a matter of execution. When we went up 6-0, I felt good. I saw the guys came to play. We got off to a good start. It wasn’t like in Game 4 when we started out flat."

Uichico said Game 3 decided the series. "We were lucky to win Game 3 – Lamont (Strothers) and Danny (Seigle) hit big three-pointers with the defense all over them to force the first overtime," he continued. "If we lost Game 3 then Game 4, it would’ve been a different series going into Game 5. We won with heart – we showed our character in Game 3 because we refused to lose."

Uichico said the Game 4 defeat was a wake-up call. "We shot well in Game 4 – 60 percent on two-point shots but we just didn’t defend," he went on. "We gave up 21-second chance points and they had 19 offensive rebounds. We knew what we did wrong. We watched the tape – the tape never lies. We saw our mistakes. And we were determined not to make the same mistakes in Game 5."

Uichico noted that Danny Ildefonso had an up-and-down series because of the matchups. Ildefonso shot in twin digits in only two of the five Finals contests. "In games where Danny was defended by Andy (Seigle), we went to Lamont and Danny S – that’s when Danny I didn’t score big," explained Uichico. "Against Alvin (Patrimonio), Danny I was more aggressive in offense because Andy was guarding Danny S. That’s how it’s been the last two years – we’ve been sacrificing. We go to where we enjoy a mismatch advantage. Sometimes, it’s Danny I who sacrifices, sometimes, it’s Danny S."

Uichico singled out Nic Belasco and Freddie Abuda for stepping up in Game 5. "They know their roles – they’re supposed to defend against the offensive rebounders," he said. "The points they scored in Game 5 were a bonus. They screened off their men, they defended, and they got rebounds."

In Game 4, Purefoods outrebounded San Miguel, 47-30. In Game 5, the Beermen had the edge, 41-33, as Belasco and Abuda combined for 17 boards (plus 18 points).

Uichico said Strothers played a heroic role in the Finals. "In Game 5, Lamont didn’t score in the fourth period and had only three in the second half but still, he finished with 20 points," he said. "That’s Lamont for you. When he sees Danny S or Danny I or any of the other guys are scoring, he won’t exert too much on offense – he’ll concentrate on defense, rebounding, and passing."

Uichico said Strothers asked him if he’ll be back next year. "How can we not ask him to come back – he’s won two titles for us," he said. Strothers leaves for the US tomorrow to spend the holidays with his wife and family.

As for the locals, nine contracts are expiring this year. Already renewed are Olsen Racela, Belasco, and Dwight Lago. Uichico said offers have already been made to renew the two Dannys, Mike Mustre, Art de la Cruz, Abuda, and Boybits Victoria.

Yesterday afternoon, San Miguel Corp. Chairman Eduardo (Danding) Cojuangco and brother Henry met the team to personally extend their congratulations at the office complex in Mandaluyong. Uichico said San Miguel’s title run wouldn’t have been possible without the support of the Cojuangcos. "We owe it all to Boss Danding and Boss Henry – they’re our inspiration," Uichico said.

Uichico said the Beermen report for practice on Jan. 8. What about a vacation? He said he’s taking his wife Cathy and their children to Boracay on Dec. 30 and they’ll welcome the new year there. Jacobs will be in Boracay, too.

"That’s how we are – coach Ron and I, on and off the court, we’re together," said Uichico.

As the popular San Miguel Beer commercial goes, iba na ang may pinagsamahan.

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