Rehab of Hinigaran river pushed

BACOLOD CITY, Philippines  — Several groups are urging concerned officials and the people to help in the rehabilitation of the Hinigaran River which, according to them, is now in a deteriorating state.

The Hinigaran River in Negros Occidental is over-congested because of the illegal structures and fish pens, and has exceeded its carrying capacity, Mary Ann Colmenares, convenor of the Save Hinigaran Environmental Resources Initiatives for the Future (SHERIFF), said in a press conference.

Colmenares said the river needs to be rehabilitated immediately as its present state becomes a threat to the seafood industry of Hinigaran, which is a major source of livelihood of its people.

It also poses a threat to lives and property once flash floods occur, Colmenares said. “With the way it is now, a strong rain, a deluge of rain may turn it into something like Iligan, flood waters will overflow the river and flood the town,” she said.

If this problem is not addressed, those who make their living out of the river will end up with nothing, said Colmenares.

Val Camara, a Negrense of the Philippine Kayaking Association, and some head teachers later inspected the 8-kilometer Hinigaran river, which is 100-hectares wide.

During the inspection, Camara, who has been assessing the waterways all over the country, said Hinigaran River is unique because it does not have an inlet, but it also means that there is no feeder or other canal that will help cleanse it.

“The inside of the river is huge and wide but the water has started to bubble, and bubbles in rivers are signs of stagnation,” Camara said.

He said the congestion of the river is caused by too many fish cages and oyster farms, and this is just “too much and scary.”

“The river is in a declining state, there are signs of stagnation,” said Camara, adding that, “While there are mangroves in the river, these are not enough for the biodiversity in the area.”

Camara said it would take a lot of efforts to rehabilitate the river but it should start at the grassroots level now, which would include providing alternative livelihood to people in the area.  (FREEMAN)

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