Additional COLA for Region 8 workers on June 1

ORMOC CITY, Philippines — The integration of additional cost of living allowance (COLA) into the basis wage of workers in Region 8 (Eastern Visayas) will take effect on June 1, based on the new Wage Order No. 16 issued by the Regional Tripartite Wage and Productivity Board.

DOLE-8 director Forter Puguon said another order also granted an additional COLA, which will however be given in two tranches, the first amount of which to take effect also on June 1, with the remaining amount on September 1, this year.

There are two categories of workers, those in the non-agricultural sector and the others in the agriculture sector. The amount of additional COLA for each category and their respective sub-categories would also vary.

In the non-agricultural sector, Puguon said a worker will get an additional COLA of P8, to be integrated into the basic wage and an additional P15 COLA, the P10 of which will be granted on June 1 and the remaining P5 by September 1.

This means that a worker's current wage of P220 will become P248 by June 1, and P253 by September 1.

Puguon however explained that, under the same sector, workers in the cottage or handicraft industries have a different rate.

The current daily minimum wage rate for a worker in this field is P198 and P18 daily COLA. With the new order, the basic wage will be P226 (P198 plus P8and P20 COLA) on June 1, and P231.00 (P226 plus P5 by September 1.

Also in this sector, a worker in the retail and service establishments that employ not more than 10 has a current total wage rate of P207 (P189 plus P18 COLA). On September 1, this will be increased to P233 (P207 basic plus P25 COLA).

The agricultural sector, on the other hand, has two major categories: the non-sugar agricultural sub-sector, and the sugar agricultural sub-sector.

For a worker in the non-sugar agriculture sub-sector, the current basic wage of P219 (P201 basic plus P18 COLA) will be increased to P234. 

In the sugar agricultural sub-sector, there are different wage rates for workers in the 1) sugar mill; 2) sugar farms or fields; and 3) non-plantation farms.

For workers in the sugar mill, the current basic wage of P240 (P222 basic and P18 COLA) will be raised to P255. For those in sugar farms, the daily wage of P201 (P190 basic and P18 COLA) will be hiked to P223.

For workers in non-plantation farms, the daily wage of P198.50 (P180.50 basic and P18 COLA) will be increased to P213.50. (FREEMAN)

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