On alleged inaction to prevent flooding: City official rebuts coastal brgy chiefs

ORMOC CITY , Philippines  — The OIC city engineer denied allegations of some barangay chiefs, who called themselves the coastal bloc, that his office had done nothing to prevent flooding in the most vulnerable areas of the city.

Engineer Ranulfo Oliveros, in an exclusive talk with The FREEMAN, said he was aware of the situation of these low lying barangays, particularly Tambulilid,Linao,Punta, Alegria and Bantigue.

"Before the May 6 flood, the bidding for two drainage canals was already done. These canals will be constructed in the upper barangays to stop excess water, which are great contributors of floodwaters to these coastal barangays," he said.

Oliveros said the canals will be constructed in Bgys. Luna and Dolores, some seven to eight kilometers from the vulnerable barangays to reduce the volume of water by diverting it to exit at the upper Anilao River.

Oliveros, who is also the city's building official, further clarified that Engr. Lani Bernal is assisting him in the technical aspect of the plan, but is assigned as chief in another division. He added that the right-of-way problem has been the main reason for the delay in carrying out any drainage system project.

On the concern of issuance of barangay clearance as requirement to any structure construction, Oliveros assured the village chiefs that before any certificate of occupancy will be given, a drainage system is always required.

"As of today, the law empowers our office to release building permit without barangay clearance," he said.

Oliveros promised, through The FREEMAN, that he will investigate if the JICA drainage system, located within the new mall area but built before it, is still existing or functional.

"I suspect now that high water level of the lower Anilao River adjacent to it made its way through, but we have to be sure," he said.

"The constriction of the Jaubon River passage in Bgy. Tambulilid, which causes high-water level flooding in neighboring areas is really a problem," he admitted but he also confirmed that the passage, which resembles a funnel, was a result of the subdivision's reclamation.

"By dredging the river, we can correct the situation," he said, as he appealed to the coastal block leaders to help his office.   

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