PRO-6 special force takes over bank rob probe

ILOILO CITY , Philippines -  - The Regional Special Operations Group (RSOG) of the Police Regional Office-6 has taken over the helm in the investigation and follow-up operations of EastWest Bank robbery.

PRO-6 director, Chief Supt. Cipriano Querol Jr., however warned that this move should not be misconstrued that he has no trust and confidence on the Task Force EastWest created by the Iloilo City Police Office (ICPO) earlier to handle the investigation.

"I just wanted RSOG to have control on the case because the investigations spans from Iloilo City to other provinces," he said, even if he heard reports that some policemen have "intentionally" muddled the investigation process.

Querol however said he still has to receive a formal report on this claim. "It's serious information that we have to look into because we just can't tolerate it. We don't want that some of our police officers who, instead of helping, only serve as hindrance to the solution of the case," he said.

Despite the change of the lead investigating body, Task Force EastWest would still be working to solve the robbery but, this time, in coordination with RSOG, said Querol.

The Task Force EastWest, now headed by Supt. Giovanni Musico and consisting of ICPO personnel, must still coordinate and ask for clearance from RSOG if they would go outside their area of jurisdiction.

Querol said the RSOG would go on with its operations in any parts of the region and dictate the operation using his name because the group would be taking orders from him.

Querol admitted that all other police units are off limits to the bank rob investigation. "Yes, they could not operate unless they get clearance from RSOG. At times, if marami na, the operations get muddled. It creates confusion," he said, explaining that it would be better to have one unit with others in the supporting role.

Last Friday, the Iloilo City Prosecution Office ordered the release of Isidra Ladesma, the alleged accomplice in the EastWest robbery. She was released after Lony Pablico, the guard who positively identified her, refused to sign his testimony.

Querol said that they are trying to ascertain possible legal moves against Pablico. For now, the investigators are concentrating on the arrest of the two male suspects who allegedly staged the robbery.

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