Sex video ni Piolo, hindi totoo

Nagpalabas na ng statement ang ABS-CBN Star Magic tungkol sa ipinalabas ng Startalk na alleged nude video ni Piolo Pascual. Sa nasabing statement, kinu-condemn ng ABS-CBN Star Magic ang ginawang pagtukoy kay Piolo na isa sa nasa sex video.  

Narito ang official statement ng ABS-CBN Star Magic na pirmado ni ABS-CBN Senior Vice President Johnny Manahan:

 This is with reference to a feature of GMA 7’s Startalk last Saturday, April 2, 2005 regarding a video of a sexual act involving two homosexuals. The said show blatantly named ABS-CBN Star Magic artist Piolo Pascual as one of the males in the video. Although they gave Mr. Pascual the benefit of the doubt by saying that there is no certainty that he is the one in the video, serious damage has been done because Startalk made very grave insinuations.  Mr. Pascual is definite that he is NOT in the said video or any video for that matter.  We have reviewed the alleged video and we are certain that the person they are pointing at is NOT Mr. Piolo Pascual.  ABS-CBN Star Magic condemns such irresponsible journalism and will not allow any program or entity to continue with such practice.  We deem it very unacceptable and irresponsible for a network to condone such malicious practice, just to be able to stir up a controversy.  We are filing a formal complaint with the Professional Artist Managers Inc. (PAMI) because what transpired is another concrete example of an entertainment talk show’s neglect of journalistic ethical standards.  Attached please find our letter to PAMI for your reference and perusal.  We are also in the process of studying our legal options with regards to the matter.

 Hindi na nagdalawang-salita si Johnny Manahan para protektahan si Piolo.

"Sunud-sunod na ang ginagawa nilang demolition job sa mga artista ko.  I won’t take this sitting down!" sabi nito.

Bukod sa statement, nag-file na rin ng formal letter of complaint si Mr. Manahan laban sa Startalk sa PAMI.  

Sa tagal ng pananahimik ni Mr. Manahan tungkol sa paninira sa kanyang mga artista, ngayon lang ito lumantad at pormal na nagreklamo.  

"It’s high time!" sabi ni Mr. M.

Balitang hindi titigil si Mr. M hangga’t hindi nabibigyan ng sanction ang mga taong responsible sa malisyosong feature kay Piolo sa Startalk.

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