Me Ganun?

MAY mga salitang mas mabilis maintindihan kung sa English sasabihin kaysa kung sa Tagalog ito bibigkasin. Narito ang mga halimbawa:

Website – Pook Sapot

E-Mail – Sulatroniko

Headset – Pang ulong hatinig

Browser – Panginain

Charger – Pantablay

Microphone – Miktinig

Hyperlink – Kawingan

Thermodynamics – Initsigan (A science that deals with the action of heat and related forms of energy)

Eclipse – Duyog

Hydraulics – Danumsigwasan (The science that deals with ways to use liquid such as water, when it is moving.)

Electromagnetic waves – Dagibalniing liboy

Arithmetic – Bilnuran

Asoge – Mercury

Vacuum tube – Awanging tubo

One hundred million – Gahala


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