Araw Values Advertising awards laud time-honored Filipino values

Developed for Champion Detergent, the Kapuso short film entitled ‘Gustin’ by GMA Marketing & Productions bagged the Platinum for Branded Communications. View the short film here by using The Philippine STAR’s LiveIt app.

MANILA, Philippines - The Araw Values Advertis- ing (AVA) Awards 2014 culminated on November 20 in a live show entitled “Let Filipino Values Shine” at ABS- CBN’s Dolphy Theater, putting the spotlight on the industry’s most compelling values adver- tising campaigns.

With 387 contenders, the ninth season of AVA Awards received the highest number of entries since it was established in 1998, signifying a victory for advertising and marketing com- munications even before judging commenced and awards were conferred. There were a total of 126 winners out of all entries.

“I think more and more people are starting to gravitate towards brands that have advocacies in real life,” said Randy Aquino, AVA Awards 2014 co-chair and Monde Nissin Corp. head of regional market development (Asia Pacific).

“Brands are starting to become more responsible. They are start- ing to think about their participa- tion in community building and their responsibilities towards the environment and sustainability,” he added.

The AVA Awards is organized by the Ad Foundation of the Philippines to uphold tradition- al and positive Filipino values in the industry and promote responsible advertising.

It is based on the Ad Founda- tion’s cornerstone values: love of God and respect for all religious beliefs; commitment to truth, hon- esty and integrity; love of country and respect for national customs and traditions; reverence for fam- ily unit or marriage or responsible parenthood; respect and care for human life, dignity and the rights of all; respect for law and author- ity and the promotion of self- discipline and concern for and preservation of the environment.

Top winners at this year’s awards were BBDO Guerrero and GMA Marketing & Produc- tions. BBDO Guerrero copped a platinum for advocacy com- munications for its “PH Thank You” campaign developed for the Department of Tourism, while GMA Marketing & Pro- ductions bagged the platinum for its short film entitled “Gus- tin” for Champion Detergent.

Almost 20 years after the first AVA Awards, the Philippines has grown as a country. Asia is seeing thedawnofanewera–therise of the Asian tigers or the middle class of Asia – and the Philip- pines is one of the countries in the region enjoying this growth. By 2020, a Nielsen study projects that the Filipino middle class would expand by seven percent. This growing middle class is the force that will define the future of the market.

“As the Philippines gets more affluent, as the Philippines gets more developed and progresses, our character will show,” Aqui- no said.

“That’s what they say about peoplewhobecomeaffluent–their true character will show. When you become more affluent, more influential and wealthier, your true character will come out. And your true character is driven by the values you uphold as an individual and as a country,” he explained.

The AVA Awards reminds the industry and the people with whom brands communicate of the values we must hold dear if we are to rise one day into a truly developed nation.

It is a proud moment for advertising that the 2014 show garnered the highest number of entries in AVA Awards history.

“It’s nice to know that people are already talking about val- ues, even if it’s in the context of commercial enterprise, brands, brand building and brand ad- vocacy,” Aquino noted.

The AVA Awards is the first and only one of its kind in the Philippines and in the world.

“As we continue in our efforts to do value formation, as we pro- mote Filipino values, hopefully, the future – the more affluent Philip- pines – will show a character that isstillrootedinthevaluesthatwe espouse as a country – the values of love for country, for God, for family, and respect for others, for authority, the environment and so forth,” Aquino expressed.

The AVA Awards 2014 has come to pass at a time when Filipinos need more of values advertising and brand advocacy to solidify the ideals of a developing nation.

ABS-CBN is the official media partner and will air a two-hour nationwide TV special dubbed as “Araw ng Pagsikat” on Dec 7, 2014.


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