Pinoy tops online work tilt

MANILA, Philippines - A Filipino graphic artist has topped an international online contest.

Mark Lloyd Binar of Muntinlupa won first place in the global “Work Differently Contest” sponsored by Elance, the world’s leading online work platform.

The contest invited freelancers to submit a brief description of how they “work differently,” including photographs of themselves at work.

Online work sites like Elance are changing the way people think about work. With an abundance of good paying jobs available online, anyone with talent can now earn a living wherever they live.

The Working Differently contest asked freelancers around the world to share how online freelancing had changed their life.

Binar, a skilled graphic artist, was chosen by popular vote among visitors to the Elance Facebook page, beating out contestants from over 70 countries.

Binar’s contest entry reads in part:

“Family time while working is possible, especially if you are working online at your own home. I’m now spending more quality time with my wife and kids.

“I gave up my normal job last Jan. 15 to become a full time freelancer online. Before, I worked 10 hours a day, and most of the time when I went to work, my kids were still sleeping and when I came back from work, they were already asleep.

“New opportunity and lack of family time pushed me to give up my job and become a full time freelancer. With Elance, I can earn enough to support my family.” 

Mark earned $500 for his first place finish, and will also be featured on Elance’s  Inspiration Center – a page devoted to testimonials from successful Elance freelancers and clients.

“Mark’s story has inspired us all,” said Elance CEO Fabio Rosati. “We’re proud of him and excited to have so many talented and successful freelancers working in the Philippines.”

Elance continues to be the driving force in the online work revolution, growing at record pace as the demand for skilled professionals increases dramatically from month to month. Freelancer earnings in the Philippines grew 92 percent in 2012 with over 40,000 new freelancers joining the service.

Growth in the Philippines was mirrored around the world as businesses on Elance are now posting over 90,000 jobs each month, resulting in over $200 million earned by providers on Elance in 2012.

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