3M Philippines to save Phl forests

Manila, Philippines - 3M Philippines, recently named one of the Top Ten Best Corporate Citizens of the world by Corporate Responsibility magazine of the US, is supporting the Haribon Foundation’s Road to 2020 (Protecting Nature…Preserving life) to help lessen the planet’s carbon footprint by planting trees and saving forests.

3M Philippines chose to take up the challenge to save Philippine forests on its 47th year by signing a memorandum of agreement to help the environment with Haribon Foundation. A series of activities will activate 3M Philippines’ work force for environmental initiatives that include an Adopt-a-Seedling program from March to June, tree planting activities from July to August and environment-themed fun runs in June and November.

Nene Amen, 3M Philippines manager for corporate marketing and business planning, said, “The partnership with Haribon best expresses 3M’s values of respecting the social and physical environment. On our 47th year, we wish to extend our concern to the environment and help Haribon restore one million hectares of Philippine forests.”

Amen said several realizations convinced 3M of the need to partner with Haribon on its environmental mission. “Household CO2 emissions from the use of household appliances is 0.93 tons. If we plant four native trees we can offset this emission. A private vehicle emits on the average 2.4 kg of CO2 per liter of fuel used. Fifteen native trees will offset the annual emission. CO2 is sequestered and the impact of climate change are abated by planting trees.” Road to 2020 will plant native trees to reforest one million hectares by Year 2020.

“Activities lined up by Haribon for this project will really accomplish much for our common environmental advocacy and rev up another strong 3M tradition – that of volunteerism,” Amen concluded.

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