Camp John Hay GM gets top hotelier award

MANILA, Philippines - Heinrich Maulbecker (left), managing director of Camp John Hay Leisure Corp., Baguio City, receives his Certificate of Appreciation from Johannes Grosspietsch, managing director of Busche Publishing House as one of the Top Ten German Hotel Managers working abroad at the exclusive Frankfurt Airport Club recently. Leaders of the German and international hotel industry met for the “2011 Hotel Industry Summit Schlummer Atlas Top 50 Hoteliers” to honor the awardees. Maulbecker represented the Philippines, where he has been dedicating his professional life for the past 32 years to the tourism development of Baguio City and the Philippines in general. The University of Baguio conferred upon Maulbecker the degree of Doctor of Humanities, honoris causa, during the 2009 commencement exercises.

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