Chevron promotes renewable energy

MANILA, Philippines –  In partnership with the US Energy Association, Chevron Geothermal Philippines Holdings, Inc. (CGPHI) recently hosted a briefing for energy officials from Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka as part of their study tour to learn best practices in the energy sector and climate change adaptation and mitigation. CGPHI representatives, led by geologist Ronald Vicedo, presented an overview of the benefits of geothermal energy as a source of clean, indigenous, and reliable power for developing countries, and best practices from the successful enactment of the Philippine Renewable Energy Act. Chevron is the largest geothermal energy developer in the world and the largest energy company in the Asia Pacific. Together with the Dept. Of Energy, Greenpeace, Worldwide Fund for Nature, CGPHI and other investors formed the Renewable Energy Coalition to support the passage and implementation of the Renewable Energy Act to ensure the country’s energy security and sustainable development.

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