Tutors honored on World Teachers' Day

MANILA, Philippines - Teachers will take center stage tomorrow in celebration of World Teachers’ Day.

To fete them, the Teachers Month Campaign (TMC) coordinators encourage students to write their teachers a Thank You letter or send them a card. They also suggest commercial and retail outlets to announce the day, offer discounts or freebies for teachers.

In 1993, UNESCO (United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization) inaugurated Oct. 5 as World Teachers’ Day, a day to celebrate teachers and the central role they play in guiding children, youth and adults through the life-long learning process.

To contribute to the growth and development of the teaching profession in the country as well as to publicly express appreciation to mentors, both active and retired, the TMC was conceived in July 2008 by the Metrobank Foundation, Inc., De La Salle Philippines, Philippine Business for Education and Campaigns Social Response with the special participation of the Department of Education and the support of key business institutions.

The TMC was launched once again in 2009 during the Metrobank’s 47th anniversary celebrations last Sept. 4, highlighted by the awarding of this year’s Metrobank Foundation Outstanding Teachers. The celebration will culminate tomorrow in celebration of World Teachers’ Day with the theme “My Teacher, My Hero!”

The campaign aims to generate widespread awareness and support for World Teachers’ Day; use the occasion to celebrate the unique role and service that teachers play in guiding families, strengthening of communities, and building the nation; and revitalize the image of teaching as a vocation by increasing public awareness on the value of teachers in Philippine society and national development. It also aims to affirm current and retired Filipino teachers by coordinating a chain of establishments to provide value added service or discounts to teachers.

(For more information, call the TMC Secretariat at 898-8898.)

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