Department of Education allots P19.2 million for private Muslim schools in Mindanao

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Education (DepEd) has allotted P19.2 million to improve the conditions of some 37 private Madaris or Muslim schools in Mindanao.

Education Secretary Jesli Lapus said 27 of these schools are in DepEd ARMM (Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao), which include the Divisions of Marawi City, Lanao del Sur I and II, Shariff Kabunsuan, Shariff Aguak, Maguindanao and Tawi-Tawi; eight from Region XII (Cotobato City and General Santos City) and two from Region XI (Davao City).

The financial assistance will benefit 3,834 pupils at P5,000 each.

“The Department is committed in providing quality education to all children irrespective of their color, religion or culture,” said Lapus.

“Our efforts to push the peace process shifts to a high gear by providing financial grants in education initiatives. Our efforts towards achieving a lasting peace in Mindanao will surely contribute to our attaining peace in the whole country,” Lapus added.

The DepEd has prioritized support to madrasah education. The term “madaris” is the plural form of madrasah, which is the Arabic word for school, whether religious or secular.

DepEd has enriched its standard madaris school curriculum for elementary public schools and the private madaris to ensure meaningful, relevant and culture-sensitive education for Muslim children.

The standard curriculum integrates basic subjects with religious subjects such as Qur’an, Aqeedah and Fiqh, and Seerah and Hadith.

Lapus noted that through this curriculum, the Filipino national identity is promoted even as the Muslim’s cultural heritage is preserved.

The financial assistance will be used for the payment of the salaries of the teachers and the improvement of classroom facilities.

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