Coppermask helps prevent bacteria and viruses in style

CopperMask brings not only protection for its wearers but also keeps them fashionable.
Photo Release

MANILA, Philippines — Facemasks have now become part of our daily norm during the continuing pandemic brought about by the deadly SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.

Governments worldwide, including here in our country, have strictly recommended their citizens to wear facemasks when going outside to help prevent the spread of the said disease.

As the months continue to pass by, not knowing exactly when this pandemic will end, people are taking this situation with a positive note by protecting themselves in style!

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought not only fear and uncertainty to the general public but also heightened their awareness of how they should take care of themselves.

People are now more cautious about their health and hygiene. Most wash and sanitizes their hands more often and anyone can notice a huge difference in how people cough or sneeze these days, being more careful, using napkins or tissue to cover their nose and mouths, and refraining from getting close to other individuals.

CopperMask is harmless to humans, skin friendly and can block saliva droplets.
Photo Release

But, as it is natural for people to be social-beings and even be in the trend, most of us want to look good whenever we step outside the comfort of our homes even during the pandemic, and that's when CopperMask is being appreciated the most—bringing not only protection for its wearers but also keeps them fashionable.

If you think you cannot look good during the pandemic, well, CopperMask thinks otherwise.

CopperMask is made of a special Copper Film with millions of infused copper strands in which the idea came from breakthrough research done on copper minerals. The said copper strands can help fight off bacteria and viruses and even be of huge help in preventing someone from contracting this dreaded COVID-19. CopperMask also has this droplet blocker capability that prevents any droplets from an infected person's mouth or nose from touching the user's nasal and oral passageway.

CopperMask has millions of infused copper strands embedded on its film about the size of 5 micrometers in diameter.
Photo Release

But not only that, with CopperMask's stylish design, it mixes safety and fashion in one which allows you to look great and chic and safe at the same time. With its unique patented geometric shape that contours perfectly to any face, CopperMask also gives the user that pleasingly attractive appearance.

The first version of the CopperMask launched in May 2020 saw the evolution of fashion and safety. It later gained boosted popularity when CopperMask introduced to the general public its "Limited Colored Mood Filters" which gives the user different choices of which colored filter to choose from depending on one’s mood.

CopperMask, later on, that same year, launched its Version 2.0 limited color series, having different version 2.0 colors to choose from like red, pink, yellow, white and black among others, making it much more popular to those who really want to express themselves in every way.

CopperMask simply gives the general public a positive perception of combining safety with fashion, which helps in easing one's slight anxiety, uncertainty, and uneasiness brought by the pandemic.

So the next time you go outside, be sure that you are protected with style.


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