Are you a junkyard dog chained to your past?

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

A junkyard usually has a restrained guard dog. When someone climbs over the fence, the dog, with bared teeth, would charge at the intruder as far as its chain would allow. In time that dog would remember how far the chain reached and would instinctively stop to save itself from a vicious jerk. Often, when the chain was removed from the dog’s neck, it would take a moment for the animal to realize that it was no longer restrained.

A lot of us were once like the junkyard dog, with habits instead of a chain that restrained us from moving forward. But when we became Christians, God broke those habits. Sadly, some of us still have trouble realizing we are free and no longer under the bondage of our sinful past. Are you one of them?

Discover the following truths:

1. When God forgives you, He wipes the slate clean as though you had never stumbled. In a few phrases, Paul says, “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21). In other words, He paid the price for failure, which means you go free!

2. Your feelings are not a barometer of your spiritual health. Educate your feelings by claiming God’s Word. What God has set free, no man or devil has the right to put in bondage.

3. Restoration and healing are all part of what Jesus came to do. When Jesus’ friend Lazarus came out of the grave, Jesus said, “Loose him and let him go!” Emotional healing is all part of the package.

Don’t hesitate to leave the junkyard of the past. Your chains are broken. Celebrate your new life starting today.

Used with permission from Guidelines Philippines, Inc. To learn more about Guidelines and the ministry, please write to Box 4000, 1280 Makati City, Philippines or e-mail address You may also visit our website at

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