
Starweek Magazine

Suman at tsokolate–P120

IN MY BASKET - Lydia Castillo -
With that kind of money, we could get a kilo of tilapia which we can fry crisp. Buy a kilo of red, firm, fresh tomatoes. Then maybe we can get a bunch of sitao to saute with half a shrimp cube. For dessert we can have a bunch of suman (5 pieces) for P15. And voila! we’d have a good meal for at least three people.

Our point? P120 is what we paid for two finger-sized pieces of suman and a demitasse Tsokolate Eh at a well known restaurant chain in the new ‘in’ place (for dining), the Westgate area in Alabang. Eating out has indeed become very expensive. What about this one: fried rice, referred to as Pineapple and Shrimp Fried Rice, by a new Korean restaurant in our area for P350! The serving is not even big enough for two hungry people. It is laid out on half a pineapple, with tiny bits of the fruit and a few small shrimps. For P350, we can get 10 kilos of Sinandomeg rice, a pineapple and one fourh kilo of sauteing shrimps. Think very carefully then before dining out. That is if you want to save money.

As promised, here is the recipe for the Cream Dory. Lace the fillets with juice of calamansi, season with salt and pepper. Roll in slightly beaten egg whites, and sprinkle with crushed potato chips. Either fry or bake. You can also do this with chicken fillet.

San Miguel has put up Food Shops in strategic places in the metropolis, like on President’s Avenue in BF Parañaque. They are roasting chicken at all times, therefore when harrassed and wanting to serve something quick, pay it a visit. They sell for P140 per meduim-size. The company’s canned goods are also available and as they have chairs and tables on its patio, snacks can be had. They have some combo fares.

A nephew was raving over the Lamb Paella he sampled at his cousin’s house. We got intrigued and tried doing it for a special visiting guest from Australia and other friends, From the information we got, the dish has, of course, lamb (we got shoulder chops, two pieces, which we initially marinated in vinegar, lots of garlic, salt and whole peppercorns, fried and cut to bite-size pieces), scallops (slightly stir fried in olive oil), small unshelled shrimps (also done in olive oil), chorizo Bilbao, a piece of canned red pepper, fresh tomatoes, garlic and onions, sauted in the usual manner. As we have always done, we cooked the rice separately, flavoring it with saffron. Then add the lamb mixture to the rice, blending well.The paella indeed took on a unique flavor, a welcome change, actually.

We are into breads, and one of our favorites is foccacia which has gained so much popularity among today’s foodies. We are glad to note that Gardenia, which has given us about the best loaves, is now producing this type of bread. This is available in practically all supermarkets at less than P50 per pack.It is good enough to take plain with coffee or chocolate for breakfast. Or spread with a bit of cheese and herb and you’d be off to a good morning.

Today’s best buys are tomatoes. They are red and firm and sweetish. They range from P15 to P20 a kilo, depending on where you purchase them. We suggest you get some and make them into your favorite sauces, such as for sarsiado, as pasta sauce in olive oil with pesto or other herbs, or even as passata (Italian pureed tomato pulp). The latter can be made into pasta sauce by adding sauted onions and garlic , olive oil and herbs such as oregano, parsley, basil, olives, capers. You can even add anchovies for added flavor. Store all these in containers in the freezer, each of which should be enough for one recipe, and you have an easy way preparing your meals.

Most of us get a lot of mailers from various supermarkets, wholesale outlets and other distributors. Pay attention to them, examine what they offer, compare prices, check the quality of their merchandize and then go about your shopping. Nothing should be bought on impulse now.

Have a good Sunday.
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