Fiesta in Manila

In a glittering and definitely colorful Hawaiian luau, dahlings, held at the chi-chi stable of the wealthy horsey set, the Manila Polo Club, during a full moon, the fun pack of Zamboangeños of cosmo-Manille and environs celebrated the feast of their patronness, the Lady of Pillar, and the 41st anniversary of La Hermanidad Zamboangeña Foundation, Inc.

LHZFI 2001 president Nedy Balcos and the directors were on hand to receive their hotshot invitees including Cong. Celso Lobregat and regal Mayor Caling Lobregat who delivered her inspirational talk in Chabacano! no less. There were the ambassadors from Peru and Venezuela, the First Secretaries of Mexico, Portugal and the US, too.

Part of the program was a super Hawaiian dance number by selected past presidents and directors of the LHZFI. The menu consisted of authentic Hawaiian dishes as well as yummy Zamboanga’s most popular delights, palanggas. Then it was party time as the Zamboangeños lit up the dance floor til 2 am to the swinging sounds of the Marcy David Band. Definitely a fun night our southern palanggas will not forget, di bala?

Remember, palanggas, "Joy always comes by putting Jesus Christ first, others second and yourself last." Smile. See you.

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