Party Time Party Time

The popular sizzling Dish gave a fantastic bash to unfold the true essence of being a Taurean. It started off in the early part of the evening, but as the clock ticked close to 10 invitees poured in. Sexy Patricia Javier revealed her true beauty, surrounded by a whole bunch of pals like Jessica Rodriguez and hubby David Buenavacz, and her former boyfriend, drop-dead delicious Marc Nelson himself.

Joy Zapanta
caught the eye of the judges, who chose her "Pearl of the Night", cheered by pals Monsour del Rosario, Benny Litonjua, Lourdes Gregorio, Judith Zapanta and Juanjo Berenguer.

Yoli Celdran
, manager of the 60s group Rocking Revival, came with her gang Bambina Buenaventura, Mary Ann Chan, Mary Grace Katigbak, Eileen Escueta, Cilet Magsaysay, Lila Almario and Ces Fornier. Not far behind was the younger set of daughter Isabel, like Justin Marcus Koa, Mara Dee de Guzman, Binky Fornier and fine-looking Raphael Rosell IV who made the Close-up ad a sensation.

Our very own third eye Alex van Hagen, palanggas, chatted the night away with Linda Oledan, Alvaro Pertierra, Pepito Albert, Tricia Cu Unjieng, widower Jack Atienza with the flame of his heart, Cecille Reynoso and moi.

To top the evening, Indio I magnified the event with reggae music with a little touch of Jamaica. The event was a major blast, with honorees and invitees making it an unmistakably outrageous night.
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The fabrics and furnishing business, dahlings, is alive and well with the opening of the sixth branch of Shell Canvas at the tres chic The Podium. Industry hotshots in real estate, furniture making, interior design, hotels and commercial operations like Chamber of Furniture Industries president Jose Leo Caparas and PIID’s Cynthia Belleza led the opening. Prosperidad Luis, head of the United Architects Asso. and Imelda Joaquin of the Purchasing Managers Asso. were also there to lend support.

Talented gals Kristine Neri and Jennifer de Dios, partners in IN.D.IGO Corp., styled an exhibit using, naturellement, fabrics from Shell Canvas.
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Remember, palanggas, "a small step of obedience towards our Lord Jesus Christ is a giant step toward blessing." Smile. See you.

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