A Great Event

It was just what everybody needed–a mellow, mid-week social event hosted by The Peninsula Manila’s dashing general manager David Batchelor for the hotel’s top mega clients. To help him welcome guests to the Rigodon Ballroom was his wife Marilu Toda-Batchelor, a delight for the cameras with her open beautiful smile. Assisting the couple of the hour were director of marketing Lourdes Juco and customer services manager Monzie Uy.

All the hotel’s outlets were represented in full force. A bottleneck at the seafood table slowed down the queue as people paused for fresh prawns, shucked oysters and other delights of the sea. Only when someone finally made it to the Old Manila section did word spread about the generous portions of the most succulent tenderloin. Waiters in starched and spotless white wove in and out, under the supervision of F&B manager Noel Silva and executive chef Gordon Landy.

The host delivered a short impromptu speech that was a refreshing departure from the usual "read-from-a-mile-long-computer-print-out-to-show-how-intelligent-you-are-and-bore-your-guests-to-death" style that others tend to use. He thanked everyone for the warm welcome his famille has been given as they settled in Manille, saying "We look forward to a long stay here." He also thanked the invitees for their continued patronage of the hotel and acknowledged the importance of the Peninsula team working together. One fruit of their labors is the inclusion of The Pen Manila in Conde Nast Traveller’s Gold List of the World’s Best Places to Stay, for the second consecutive year, dahlings!

The hot shot namedroppable attendees were dazzling, as you will see from the beautiful faces we snapped during that great night at The Pen, dahlings!

Remember, palanggas, "To trust in Jesus Christ is not a gamble; it’s a sure thing!" Smile. See you.

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