Where was that again?

Dahlings, I can’t remember when so many personas enjoyed a birthday bash cum fashion show more than the one held at jumping Hard Rock Café for everyone’s favorite hunk Carlos Agassi, hosted by Mansfield Int’l, makers of Hanford, and Carlos is of course the numero uno dude for Hansford Sport. Mucho macho dudes paraded around in the latest Hanford underwear, but the grand finale naturelle-ment when Carlos A. made his entry, took his shirt off and teasingly pulled his pants halfway down. Needless to say, the women swooned and screamed.

Patricia Javier
, endorser for sister brand Hartman, went onstage to greet Carlos. Concert queen Pops Fernandez made an appearance, as did TV host extraordinaire Kris Aquino, southern beauty Vina Morales, golden voiced Luke Mejares of South Border, irrepressible Tessa Prieto Valdez, supremely handsome Marc Nelson, pretty Peachy Veneracion with bosom pal Raul Teehankee.
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Cosmo Manille chic set put on their best heels at the bash hosted by designer Rajo Laurel during a new moon, dahlings, to introduce his latest outing, a book called "rajo 101". The book showcases Rajo‘s creations earlier shown in his 101 fashion show last September. The books brought together photo legends Jun de Leon and Neal Oshima, new talents Paolo Raymundo and Ava Lugtu and commercial photogs Neil Lucente and Claudine Sia.

Seen hobnobbing were Nona Lobregat, Bea Valdes, Wendy Puyat, Anton Barreto, Tony Lim of Philips, and Rajo’s famille: mom Bebot, grandmom Betty, father Jose, brother John and sisters Angela and Venisse.
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A tres elegant national day was hosted by Austria’s gracious ambassador Dr. Christian Krepela at his sprawling residence in Makati, which gathered luminaries from the diplomatic community, hotshots from government and business and the social pack.

Circulating with champagne in hand were Ambassadors Terry Baker (NZ), Enrique Hubbard (Mexico), Ulf Hakansson (Sweden), Joao de Silva (Portugal), Gilles Chouraqui (France), Ahmed Rezk (Egypt), Umberto Colesanti (Italy), Yves Gazzo (EU) and oh so many more!

Remember, palanggas, "When we have nothing left but Jesus Christ, we find that God is enough." Smile. See you.

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