A Perfect Day

We all hope for or would like to have a perfect day. Some of us may have had it, while others are still hoping to have it. On this spread, some mega-personas share their experience or dream of a perfect day. Read on, palanggas.

Vicky Zubiri :
One of the best days of my life was when I was in India. We were in Kashmir, one of the last few tourists allowed in before the fighting began. We had taken a trail, on horseback, all the way up to the foot of the Himalayas. I was completely awed. To see the sheer greatness of the mountains was such a humbling experience. It was a nice reminder that we, as humans, are merely one of, and not the only, magnificent creations of God.

Congressman Juan Miguel F. Zubiri :
My perfect day would be the day guns fall silent in Mindanao. A perfect day for me will be the day that peace reigns supreme in Mindanao and in the entire country.

Carla Tengco :
The perfect day I can still remember was when I went out with my husband (Al Tengco) and the children (Amanda and Sandro) in our boat along with our good friends and spent the day cruising, drinking and eating ourselves silly till the sunset. Later, we had cocktails and a great dinner and partied till early morning. The following day (a Sunday), we re-played the whole scene. And to this we all agreed, we couldn’t get enough of it.

Claudia Bermudez :
A sunny morning at sea, a glorious Filipino breakfast and a couple of good dives into a clear and calm ocean.

Chito Madrigal Collantes :
For me, a perfect day would be one during which I will learn that peace has descended upon the whole world. The war in Afghanistan will be ended, Bin Laden captured and brought to trial, the Al Qaeda turned into farmers and the Afghan villages full of happy children reunited with their families. It will be a day when all strife in the Middle East will stop and Sharon and Arafat will give each other a big hug. Sadam would turn in all his biochemical and nuclear weapons, and everyone everywhere will love one another.

That perfect day would also be the day when peace would finally reign in our country, when politicians will stop bickering, and there will be no kidnapping or bombs or corrupt officials, rebellions and secession movements, and everybody would be at peace with their neighbor.

I know this is an impossible dream at the moment, and so, to be practical and considering my circumstances, I am willing to settle for a day in which I would wake up and feel no aches and pains, no matter what I ate, drank or did the day before. For the present, that is all I ask for in a perfect day.

Therese Coronel Santos :
The most perfect day I have and continue to have is whenever I’m in Bangkok, I immediately go to have a sauna and a massage at the Oriental Hotel.

Anton San Diego :
My idea of a perfect day? Wow! now that’s a tough one! A perfect day for me is when you are totally at peace with yourself, your environment and the person you are with. I recently spent a weekend in Boracay playing backgammon with a friend. The ocean, the sun, the beach and the down tempo music were perfect. The sad part of that day was it did not last. However, I would like to have more days like that, maybe with a better and different friend.

Rene Banzon :
A perfect day for me is when I wake up in the morning, I am able to enjoy a sumptuous breakfast (longanisa, tapa, fried rice and eggs) which I know my doctors will frown about. And as I read the morning papers, I find out that the war on terrorism has been solved, the insurgency problem in the South has been eradicated, our political and government leaders have finally united to fight graft and corruption, poverty has been drastically reduced and the economy is in full swing, making the Philippines again a perfect place to do business.

I also would like to see the day when unity, transparency and decency in our work place is the main order of the day. And lastly, I would like to cap the day with a round of golf with close friends, clinching a business deal that I worked so hard for, playing with my kids and enjoying an intimate dinner with my family and telling them what a great day it was.

Bob Zozobrado :
It would start with Mass at a nearby church, followed by breakfast of my favorite suman from Cebu and the chocolate of Dulcinea, and all the time to read the day’s papers, without any form of interruption. The rest of the day will be on the beach, not having to worry about the office, as I further bond with my three teenaged children and reminisce on the carefree shenanigans of their younger years. The invigorating sea breeze blowing from all directions would cast away, albeit for a fleeting moment, any emotional, mental and physical burden as I sip a cold glass of piña colada while having a relaxing Thai foot massage. Meals would be grilled from a nearby barbecue pit and served with a bottle of vintage wine. This perfect day would come to a close when I see in the faces of my three children, as they turn in for the night and doze off to sleep, the same peaceful innocence and contentment I used to see and derive a sense of pride from, when they were just babies.

Nini Licaros :
I want it to be the way it used to be when the economy was soaring high and everybody seemed on their feet taking advantage of the happy day.

Cecille Reynoso :
A perfect day would be to be in Tagaytay on a cool glorious day, away from the hustle and bustle of Manila. I regularly hie off there to get that much needed break.

Le Lagdameo :
Freely flowing....easy sunny day.

Inno Sotto :
The most perfect day for me at any time of the year is a day when I can get out of my work, and get to do the things that I normally do not get to do because of my work flow.

Katherine G. de Guzman :
My most perfect day is morning exercise with my personal trainer, Quarein, then having lunch at the Four Seasons with my Singaporean and Indonesian girlfriends.

And my most perfect day would be my children proudly coming home with excellent school grades. And a quiet evening with my husband after he pays all my shopping bills!

Victor Valbuena :
Monday is my favorite day of the week! For me Monday means new beginning, new challenge, new triumph and new success. I don’t dwell on success or failure for a long time. Whatever I have done the past week tapos na yun. I look forward to the new things that will happen every Monday. After all, for me Life is like table tennis; after a won game, there will always be another game.

Ines Delgado Toda :
I have had many perfect days skiing in Vail, Colorado. The day begins when my whole family gathers together for breakfast in our small round kitchen table. After breakfast, we would all scramble to put on layers of clothing and ski gear. We would head for the slopes by 9:30 am. The sun shining brightly, my brothers and I would ski from one bowl to the next. We enjoy the terrific snow conditions and fast lift lines which enable us to traverse and cover the entire mountain. We would have lunch in Two Elks (in Vail Mountain’s China Bowl) where I would have yummy hot chocolate and really good clam chowder. We would finish skiing by 3 pm. By late afternoon, we would visit my entire family including my beloved Mamina gathered together by the fireplace sipping warm apple cider and enjoying each other’s company.

Doody Tuason :
The day I can chuck the nicotine habit completely, and when I can master inner peace. For now, I still suffer from many vexations to my spirit most of which I uncon-sciously seek out, part and parcel of still being a "material girl". <<<<

Mario Katigbak :
The most perfect day for me would be to be with my close friends....in my secret garden.

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