Launch X 2

A top caliber group of international businessmen, financial leaders and retail industry players recently gathered to celebrate the power launch of a card, dahlings, that is already recognized in many countries: the Mondex chip-based card. The triumvirate who introduced the card was composed of Mondex Phils. chairman Orlando Vea, director Dave Fernando and president Benjie Fernandez, plus directors Rafael Morales and John Butterworth and marketing head May Cuevas.

Within the next few months, people will be able to use the microchip-powered card to perform routine functions like banking and other ATM transactions, shopping and dining. Mondex can also give access vending machines, pay phones and even the Internet. With such versatility, Mondex captured the interest of the likes of John Wood of Keycorp. Ltd., Mark Dayrit of Miladay, NBC’s Francis and Mary Ann Lumen, People Asia’s Philip Cu Unjieng, Ces Drilon and model Angel Aquino. Value loaded Mondex cards were distributed to the guests who were naturellement raring to use them, di bala?
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Mary Kay is women for women, and a full moon ago it launched its fabulous awards system for their dedicated Beauty Consultants during the Founders Celebration. Breathtaking prizes included diamond and emerald earrings, diamond bumblebees, a trip to Australia and a pink Honda Civic 1.6 Vti. Now dahlings, if that wasn’t enough, another car, a pink Ford Expedition, went to the sales director who was instantly promoted that night to National Sales Director. No wonder those ladies put their all into selling Mary Kay products! "The pink car is Mary Kay’s symbol of success–a trophy on wheels," explained Mary Kay Phils. GM Ana Maria Cawa.

For those not in the know, Mary Kay and her son Richard Rogers used her life savings of $5,000 to start what has become one of the world’s most successful names in beauty. Her first skin care line was actually based on a hide tanner’s formula!
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Remember, palanggas, "Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven; all other ways lead to eternal doom." Smile. See you.

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