Beauty Gonzalez’s 10 secrets to looking trim & fab

Beauty Gonzalez-Crisologo.

I used to watch Beauty Gonzalez as a chubby teenager in my favorite reality TV show Pinoy Big Brother, where she won the fourth grand place back in 2008. But it was only after she lost weight in 2014 that she not only gained much attention but also bagged her biggest break in showbiz.

In less than four months after giving birth to her cute daughter Olivia Ines with husband art curator Norman Crisologo in February 2016, Beauty’s Instagram followers were surprised to see her  even sexier in a bikini by the beach. While it would take most of us ladies months, even years to trim down, Beauty, in no time, got back to her old figure showing her IG followers a sexier and even lovelier new mom.

Although summer is gone, today is always the perfect day to start to lose weight so we can not only wear our favorite dress but feel and look good as well. So, read on as Beauty shares with us her secrets in looking trim and fab.

1. The best advice for looking well post-childbirth, as they all say, is true — breastfeed! For me, it was the quickest way to lose weight. Breastfeeding is a win-win situation between the mother and her baby.

2. Stop eating for “two people” and accept the fact that one of the best parts  of being pregnant is over. So, needless to say, watch your diet and make sure to work out.

3. Family time is important but perhaps the most important of all is “me” time. You can’t share what you don’t have so don’t forget the things that make you who you are. Fill up your cup, then when you are overfloweth, share the love. I guarantee a certain inner glow.

4. Choose happiness. Those cute baby coos and cries quickly turn sour after endless days of no sleep, making Mama a grumpy old troll. Easier said than done but try to change your point of view, paradigm shift, laugh at your situation, make lemonade out of lemons.

5. Experiment with fashion. There’s no better time for a makeover!

6. Win the beauty battles and skirmishes, the war will take care of itself.   Your skin this week, your hair next week, mani/pedi today, tomorrow a tan. Before you know it, you’re looking pretty darn hot.

7. Dance.

8. Floss.

9. Stretch.

10. Learn to pose with your best angle, learn to edit your photos so you can present yourself under a beautiful light. Smile.

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