Fun, fashion, friendship and stylish wheels

High fashion meets the stylish Mercedes-Benz G-Class, S-Class and E-Class Cabriolet in the hit television series-turned-blockbuster movie Sex and the City 2. To celebrate this “union,” CATS Motors Inc., general distributor of Mercedes-Benz in the country led by its chairman Gregorio Yu and president Felix Ang, recently invited the most stylish women in the metro for the exclusive screening of the second installment of the movie. Clad in their stunning dresses and to-die-for shoes, these ladies trooped to Greenbelt 3’s My Cinema to see lead movie characters Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda as they took their edgy and sophisticated style from the streets of New York to the sizzling and inviting deserts of Abu Dhabi. Capping the night off was the presentation of the Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda awards to four ladies who caught renowned fashion designer Rajo Laurel’s eyes. Declared as personifications of the lead characters in the movie that night were Ingrid Go who got the Miranda award, Liz Almoro who took home the Charlotte award for her beautiful, prim and proper style, the alluring Salome Uy with the Samantha award and Janina Dizon-Hoschka who bagged the Carrie award for her chic ensemble at the event. Cheers to these lovely ladies and to Mercedes-Benz!

Timeless Filipino ingenuity

In celebration of the 112th Independence Day of the Philippines, Dusit Thani Manila (DTMN) staged Philippine Cuisine: Looking Back…Looking Forward at the Basix all-day dining restaurant, which showcased Filipino-made handicrafts as well as delectable Filipino dishes prepared by brilliant guest chef Stephanie Zubiri. The event, led by Philippine Hoteliers Inc. (PHI) president Gerhard Kropp, DTMN GM Prateek Kumar and DTMN food and beverage director Gilbert Uy, allowed participants to look back and appreciate the rich culture of the country. Zubiri’s introduction came as a pleasant surprise as she was carried while sitting on top of two bamboo poles while waving blissfully to the guests.

Seen at the colorful gathering were STAR EVP Grace Glory Go, Ambassador of Chile Ovid Harasich, Embassy of Chile’s Consul Luis Palma, Metrobank Foundation chairman Chito Sobrepeña and Thai Airways GM Nivat Chantarachoti.

Independence never tasted this good!

Rocking paradise!

A roster of young and talented VJs from MYX, the Philippines’ leading music channel, recently made the Boracay Regency and Convention Center, the first triple-A resort in the island paradise led by indefatigable chairman Henry Chusuey, their home during the staging of the most anticipated music event of the year — the MYX Fest 2010. After partying, guests had a great time as they enjoyed the resort’s first-class features and amenities.


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