WATCH: ICC prosecutor closely following events in Philippines since 2016

International Criminal Court chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda has been hailed by The Guardian as the "woman who hunts tyrants." She is seen in this February 2013 photo. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung/Stephan Röhl
Fatou Bensouda, the International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor, announced from The Hague on Thursday (Manila time) that the accusations leveled against President Rodrigo Duterte in connection with the war on drugs that have killed thousands are set for preliminary examination.
This is considered the first step prior to a full-blown investigation into possible charges of crimes against humanity.
In this video, Bensouda says she has been closely watching developments in the Philippines since 2016. It was the year Duterte was elected and launched his banner anti-drug campaign. In October that year, Bensouda released a statement
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