WATCH: Obama says new ships for Philippines underway

"The United States has been committed to the security of this region for more than 70 years. We have a treaty obligation, an ironclad commitment to the defense of our ally, the Philippines," says US President Barack Obama in his statement at the Manila Harbor on Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2015. White House/Released

MANILA, Philippines — American President Barack Obama said on Tuesday second visit in the Philippines in the last two years underscores the United States' commitment to regional maritime security and freedom of navigation.

He also announced the US' plans to beef up the Philippines' maritime defense capability.

LIVE COVERAGE: APEC 2015 meetings in Manila

US President Barack Obama delivers a statement before troops of the Philippine Navy at Manila Harbor on Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2015.

READ FULL TEXT: Obama's speech after touring Philippine Navy flagship

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