Impeachment case destroys judicial review authority

MANILA, Philippines – A ranking official of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) today raised alarm over the impeachment case against Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato Corona, saying it practically "destroys" the judicial review authority of the High Court.

IBP national president Roan Libarios said the separation of power doctrine between co-equal branches of government has already been totally ignored.

"This will practically destroy the judicial review authority (of the Supreme Court)...What will happen now to the separation of power doctrine? It (Supreme Court) does not have a sword , no purse of Congress,"  Libarios said during the weekly media forum in Greenhills, San Juan City.

Libarios said the IBP has been questioning the rules of procedures in filing the impeachment case with the Senate against Chief Justice Corona.

"Maliwanag may mga defects ang procedure," he noted, citing that the complaint merely discussed with the members of the House of Representatives via a powerpoint presentation.

"Dapat my reading kaya may problema sa verification yan...summary presentation lang ginawa," he added.

He said the 188 congressman, who have signed the impeachment complaint, should have taken oaths that they believe in the allegations in the case.

He also reiterated that there was no allegation that the SC Chief Justice has been bribed to decide in favor of a case.

"These are collegial decisions ng SC... The Chief Justice  merely concurred, he did not flip flop on the merits of the cases. Walang sinasabi na nagkabayaran dito," Libarios said.

For his part, election lawyer Romulo Macalintal said the question in the verification of the complaint could be remedied if the impeachment case is remanded to the Congress.

He, however, said that both parties should refrain from discussing the merits of the case in public.

"Sana maging strict ang impeachment court at huwag magbigay ng statements on the merits of the case ang both parties," Macalintal said.

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