Abraham Lincoln once said, “Nearly all men can stand against adversity. If you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”
National election is fast approaching and all Filipinos now hear candidates talking about their platforms. All have the desire to make this nation better than we think. We see them visiting many places from the heart of the cities to the remotest countryside. They speak about promises and plans.
But the question is: Are promises and plans the basis for choosing a true leader? Look. We all hunger for leaders who are true to their promises and who are committed to their goals. We need leaders who think less of themselves. We look for public servants who can walk on the common ground, who can listen to the voiceless and who reach out to the less-noticed.
The strong foundation of a nation is rooted on the solid values of every leader exemplified to every citizen. Hence, beyond beautiful words and promises, let us choose a leader of great character.
Character builds a great nation. Marcus Tullius Cicero says, “Within the character of the citizen, lies the welfare of the nation.” A true values-oriented leader will start it all. – Ana Igloria, Laguna blueyedeagle74@gmail.com