On the historic Senate Electoral Tribunal vote

After the long-agonizing- wait, the Senate Electoral Tribunal handed its historic voting today on the consistently numero-uno presidential candidate, Senator Grace Poe! As early as the 1934 Constitutional Convention, then Con-con delegate and later became our President, the late Pres. Manuel A. Roxas (Mar Roxas’ grandfather, after whom he was named) made that cannot-be-ignored landmark acknowledgment that: “By international law the principle that children or people born in a country of unknown parents are citizens in this nation is recognized, and it is not necessary to include a provision on the subject exhaustively.” Thus, very early on and very clearly, “international laws already treat foundlings as natural-born citizens of states where found.”

To Senators Bam Aquino, Pia Cayetano, Loren Legarda, Tito Sotto and Cynthia Villar – Maraming, maraming salamat POE! By voting objectively, and with a strong sense of Justice, Fairness, and Patriotism – you respected the will of the over 20 million Filipinos, who voted Sen. Grace Poe to the Senate. You are giving the great majority of our Kababayans, that hard-won right to decide and vote for the BEST presidential candidate come May 2016.

This historic SET voting shall definitely go down in the annals of our beloved country’s history! And you shall be judged accordingly … objectively, fairly, favorably! Mabuhay Kayo! Mabuhay ang Sambayanang Pilipino!

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