What is the point of writing the Editor about the persisting saga of information his columnist keeps spawning to his readers when our letters that respectfully considered these become fodder to the editorial dust bin?
For instance we have twice called attention to the fact that the winner’s bidded contract price for the facilities maintenance discipline is P23.4 million for six months and not per month. The exaggeration persisted and is no doubt a limp innuendo as an issue for a probable political contribution source no matter how measly even for a supposedly influential engineering company.
Speaking of influence, would you still refer to this company as a wielder of political influence even after you have been shown the P745,000 official receipt for the filing fee of our company’s protest for undue harassment during one of the bidding sessions when we invariably lost the contract?
Ernest Hemingway must be turning in his grave to learn how correct he was when he surmised that evidently writers will write anything to ensure food on the table. But perhaps Hemingway has been mistaken in view of the absence of spatial references to volumes, numbers, values, etc. As I have no fascination with commissioned writings nor the prudence involved in rating real relevant writers from the barely respectable ones which exercise probably apply my favorite latent pareto optimality theorem when we make some writers become “better off without the others becoming worse of.” The better ones left, we recommend for your consideration. — ARNULFO ACEDERA Jr., DBA, General, AFP (Ret.), President and Chairman, Global EPCOM Services, Inc.