Thoughts to guide us by (For December 2014)

The advent of the birth of  Jesus Christ, our Savior,   rekindles faith,  love  and  hope  in our hearts.   It inexplicably  evokes kindness and  touches  our  hearts to be generous.  A  season of  joy  and  hope that makes  everyone happy … albeit,  momentarily.

His  lowly-humble  birth  in  a  manger imparts  to  us  that  all-encompassing timely message — in the midst of dizzying merriment and  frenetic exchange of gifts —  that  humility comes with simplicity!

Christmas  is  the  season for widespread-easier-and-wholehearted sharing,  giving and forgiving. Giving comes in  many varied ways.  It is  not limited to  doling material blessings,  but also in sharing ideas, giving  advices,  genuine concern,  extending plain, true friendship, and  rendering  voluntary  services. 

Loving is  giving!  There cannot be  love without giving!   Giving is two-pronged. As William Shakespeare wrote:  “It blesses him who gives, and him who receives.”

Christmas  is  a  time to give thanks for   the   blessings   received, for the  trials  that helped shaped, strengthened and molded us to be better persons.  A time for hopes renewed that a better year looms in the horizon!

A Blessed, Merry Christmas to everyone!

Peace and abundance to us all!


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