A coup d’état

A coup d’état is a military takeover wherein the military takes over during an emergency situation such as a political crisis when the Army is tasked to restore order in society. In Phl, we have been witnesses to several coup attempts but was conducted not for orderliness, but to topple the government, in the guise of change, one of which turned out to be a bloody one in the years after the People Power Revolution. A military coup is a last resort when a worst scenario, like civil strife is already present. But a coup is never a solution to stabilize a nation. Oftentimes, disunity, differences of opinion, only makes matter worse, and military rule is never acceptable in a free and democratic society.

 There is a provision in the Constitution wherein it states – civilian supremacy over the military. True enough, our democratic government has thwarted coup attempts and destabilization efforts by those disgruntled elements who want to put the law into their hands. And civilian supremacy reigned. To this day, no coup attempt has prospered and succeeded.

Rallying the soldiers towards the side of the people who were seen at EDSA, and whenever there is a threat to the nation’s stability and the well-being of the people, will only be the time soldiers will do their share to normalize an otherwise tense situation. Soldiers of today are more politically mature and has gone over military adventurism – an activity that proved not only detrimental to a nation’s progress, but with coup plotters and followers ending their military career in the wrong way to the point of losing their benefits as soldiers.

At present, our nation has compounding problems, but which the government is continuously trying to solve. Let’s not fan the flames of disunity and fuel coup rumors for there is really no reason for one. Majority of Filipinos support the present leadership. We Filipinos are an understanding lot. We cannot be judge, jury and hangman at the same time. For there is always a chance for recovery and reconciliation. Most of us do not appreciate what the government is doing, but it is our only government and we should support it for our own good and that of our country. A coup will have more devastating effects to our nation more than what typhoon Yolanda has done. — Jerris S. Abdon, Erethra Youth Council, Ormoc City Chapter


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