Reaction to Magno’s column ‘Odd’

Except for a fervent prayer that “God’s truth, righteousness and justice” will prevail in the Napoles case and other cases relevant to the PDAF Scam, I’ve recently been a passive follower/reader of men or women allegedly accused of corruption. I guess our NGO’s stint in pursuing one government official’s corruption for years not only gave me ‘anti-corruption burn out’ but a sense of futility and frustration for its seemingly insignificant impact to our national corruption problem.

However, I would like to thank you for the detailed though sarcastic account of how our President made special efforts to keep Janet Napoles safe, perhaps, because of an alleged generous contribution to his 2010 presidential campaign?

Allow me to be bold in stating my bias. For whatever negative hype PNoy has and will continue to receive, I have a deep respect for his position and admiration for his leadership. Whenever he enters a room or stage, I willingly and proudly stand up and clap to honor him. Please do not think of this as trivial. For I have only stood up for past presidents because God commands me to submit to those in authority.

I find it hard to reconcile President Aquino‘s bold stand to have the PDAF abolished and even to offer a P10M reward for Janet Napoles’ arrest vis a vis this special treatment to keep her safe and locked up in decent quarters. I choose to believe that behind this move is a valid and noble reason that may ultimately expose others who have kept millions of Filipinos in misery and poverty by unscrupulously and unashamedly robbing our nation dry!

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