Thoughts to guide us by July 2012

Shakespeare wrote “To thine own self be true, thou canst not then be false to any man.”

The root cause of the economic, political and even moral decadence that plague our country is untruthfulness…of being false, and blatant dishonesty by many people sworn to serve our country and people.

Dishonesty cripples! It hampers growth, peace, and prosperity!

Every act of dishonesty necessitates cover up by a lie. Unabated acts of dishonesty — which can become like second nature – can deeply entangle a person in a weave of never-ending, escalating lies. One will never be able to extricate himself from such a situation unscathed. Truth will always find a way out!

An entangled person is not free! The very first thing a person loses when he commits dishonesty is FREEDOM. A dishonest person is not a free man, for which reason he becomes frustrated, miserable and unhappy.

All actions start somewhere. Dishonest actions can definitely be stopped! They can most effectively be controlled at the onset of the dishonest thought. Stop the thoughts that lead to a dishonest action, and the action itself will be blocked off.

Peace and abundance to us all!!

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