Brooke's Point site a biodiversity showcase; profit for community

I would like to issue a strong reaction to the column of Alex Magno where he accuses me and Bantay Kalikasan of destroying the environment and the indigenous people welfare for the sake of business.

The facts: To date Bantay Kalikasan has invested P2.5 million in Brooke’s Point with the pure intention of uplifting the lives of the people through the care of the environment. All the profit goes to the community. It is not a business. It is being done with the intention of sending a strong message that taking care of the environment can uplift the lives of people and the communities.

I have been able to do it successfully in Puerto Princesa — where on the second year the people are able to send their kids to college, put food on the table, maintain peace and harmony by taking care of the beauty that abounds.

I want to replicate that in Brooke’s Point — because Mt. Mantalingahan which is a protected mountain is in danger of mining. It is not enough to say no to mining. We must show that there is another way. My conviction is that when the place is beautiful: agriculture and eco tourism and the domino effect which results — is the way to go — not extractive industry.

What we are doing in Brooke’s Point is eco-educational tourism. Which means the area is being used as a site where people can learn indigenous culture, cuisine — and most important — learn and experience bio diversity at its best.

In the light of these intentions and in the light of our success in jacking up the economy after only months of preparation — the column of Alex Magno is particularly hurtful. When I asked Alex he said well, there is a complaint.

A complaint does not constitute reality. I have letters and proof of communities and families that are very appreciative of our efforts in the area. Including the Mayor and the Sanggunian Bayan. Including the two barangays who are benefitting from the employment opportunities. Including the hundreds of individuals that are benefitting from our efforts.

Ethical journalism mandates that we check our facts first. If you go to Brooke’s Point and check out the situation, it will be very clear that this standard was unfortunately not adhered to.

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