OSG adheres to the rule of law

This refers to the article published last June 4, 2011 entitled “Sandigan hits OSG for ‘howling like a wolf’ on Garcia plunder raps” which mentioned that “the Sandiganbayan accused the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) yesterday of “howling like a crazy wolf” for its persistence in asking that its lawyers be allowed to intervene in the plunder case against former military comptroller Carlos Garcia”, among others.

We must note that the OSG, as the statutory counsel of state, has the duty to ensure that the Rule of Law is upheld especially when the interests of the Government and the general welfare of the Filipino People are at stake. We are confident that the OSG’s advocacy or “persistence” is one that is supported by a great majority of the public.

As regards to having ASG Cabotaje-Tang attend the hearings relating to the Plea Bargain of Major General Garcia, it must be emphasized that the Office of the Solicitor General has the prerogative to designate any of its lawyers to appear before the Sandiganbayan.

It is sincerely hoped that this has shed light on the abovementioned issue.

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